Oh, the obsession…

So to continue on my Supernatural obsession (yes, it’s totally turned into an obsession), I found this video that I wanted to share with you all.  It’s done incredibly well.  It’s all scenes from the 5th season, which, in my opinion, is the best season.  It was an incredibly crazy emotional roller coaster – there were so many hilarious ups and heartbreaking downs, I actually felt my heart tear a little with every new episode.  I honestly don’t think I’ve ever laughed and cried so much, and felt happiness and sadness to such extremes, from any other TV show I’ve watched.  Ever.  And it had the best ending to a season I’ve ever seen.  If they’d ended the show there, I honestly would have felt it was a good place to end, even if it was technically a cliffhanger.  In case you’re interested, watch this one and then this one.  There’s about ten seconds missing between those scenes, but all you miss is Castiel healing Dean.  And honestly, the Chuck part of the ending just added to the awesomeness, I think.

Anyways, this is almost like a trailer for the season, and hopefully you love it as much as I did.  Or, if you don’t watch the show, it’ll get you interested.

Of course, it helps that the song is “Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons.  Awesome song!!

And yes, my obsessions has gotten pretty bad.  I think I’m on my fourth viewing of the series (as in, start to finish), and I just can’t seem to stop!!  I’ve also started reading fan fiction and I’m always on the Supernatural Reddit.  I know there’s also a big Tumblr thing for it, but I dislike Tumblr and so haven’t ventured into that yet.

I’ll be writing fan fiction soon too, you’ll see.  Seriously, obsessed.  I’ve also found charms I totally want to buy.  I’ve discovered Etsy (which was a bad, bad thing) and I’ve got like 15 Supernatural-related things I want to buy.  Also, I now want to get an anti-possession tattoo.  Honestly, I’m gonna end up spending a lot of money.  And while the crazy obsessiveness may eventually fade, I know I’ll still love this show years and years down the line.

Anywyas, this video is pretty good too.  It’s got scenes from all the seasons except the current one.  The song used is “Demons,” also by Imagine Dragons.

I’m not gonna lie, that video makes me want to make everyone watch this show, because it reminds me of just how good it is.

I’ll probably write about Supernatural again, because, you know, obsessed.  So give it a watch so you know what I’m talking about, okay?  And if you already watch it, watch it again!!

Welcome to the world of Supernatural!

So I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it before or not, but I don’t normally watch too much TV.  While some people I know are hooked on ten shows at a time, I really only have two or three, and most are shortened seasons (like 12 or 13 episodes) and I can’t obsess for more than three months at a time.  But now I’m here now to tell you all about my new obsession: Supernatural.

Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles as Sam and Dean Winchester.

Now, I’m clearly very late to the Supernatural bandwagon.  It’s on the 8th season!!  According to Wikipedia‘s Supernatural page, they’ve just aired the 168th episode.  So yes, I was very, very behind.

I’ve been meaning to watch it for years.  I’ve had the first season sitting in my room for years, and my brother had the next three in his room, just waiting for me to watch them.  But I always found something else, something better, something different.  And to be honest, the idea of having to catch up on that many episodes was daunting enough to make me not want to.

And then one day,  I was bored.  So I flipped through Netflix, and I decided, “Hey, why not?” and watched the first episode.

And I was hooked.  I caught up in about two weeks or so.  I watched them almost non-stop.

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